7 November 2013

CBSE New Exam 2014 Pattern Syllabus Class 10th, 11th, 12th

CBSE New Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2014: CBSE is known as Central Board of Secondary Education which is a Board under Indian Union Govt. CBSE is for Public and Private Institutions. Now this year 2014 CBSE exam pattern is changed.  This new pattern will contain more very short answer type questions.
The subjects of class 10th and 12th will be affected by this new format. All these short answer type questions may seems to be like Multiple Choice Question but the judgment will be done on the conceptual. The Chairman of CBSE Mr. Ashok Ganguly said that the there are two reason for which they avoided the multiple choice question format.

Two reasons are :
  1st reason is that- through this pattern the length of question papers will not be so lengthy because there is no need to print the 4 options for each question.
  2nd Reason is- through this pattern they will block the chances of cheating.
 The format change will affect most subjects including Maths, Social Science and Science and Technology for Class X, and Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths for Class XII.

The purpose of the new format is to bring about a change in the learning process inside a classroom and make students creative. The idea is that four months before the board exam, students will be familiarized with concepts that will come in the exams.

Mr. Ganguly said that they reduced the higher marks questions from the question papers to reduced subjectivity. They also reduced the sub-parts in the questions but the choices which are internal are introduced in a new format.
The question papers of Social Science and Maths for class 10th will contain 10 very short answer type questions of one mark each. They have increased the short answer type questions and decreased the long answer type to examine the ability of students in terms of speed and accuracy

CBSE Paper Pattern 2014:

According to the new format of CBSE, there will be
  • 09 questions containing 1-2 marks each
  • 06 questions containing 03 marks each (Short answer type)
  • 03 questions containing 05 marks each (Long answer type)

For get more information click here to official website


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